Mr Kiran Srinivasan was awarded the 2017 scholarship. Kiran was studying for a BSc (Cons) in Aircraft Maintenance and Airworthiness Engineering at the University of Limerick, Ireland and will use the scholarship funds to attend the Baines Simmons, Airworthiness Best Practice Course in January 2018.
“I am very much pleased and honoured to be a recipient of this award which has boosted my confidence to pursue my career in Aviation. This award would assist me to advance my knowledge in the highly complex field of Airworthiness. A very special thanks to the International Federation of Airworthiness board and to those who supported my nomination for this award.”
Kiran thanked Dr Kyriakos Kourousis, course director of B.Sc Aircraft Maintenance and airworthiness Engineering course at the University of Limerick, Ireland who nominated me to apply for this award.
Attending the Course fuelled my aviation subject knowledge and gave me a fruitful learning experience. The concepts taught in this course, cleared the air of doubt on what airworthiness is actually all about and how the airworthiness system was structured. It has enhanced my subject expertise and will surely be a value-add to my final year research and future career in Airworthiness.
The seminar was well taught by airworthiness experts, who shared their valuable inputs across topics and relevant professional experiences. Class hours include a mix of slide presentations, knowledge sharing sessions and group discussions. This course is ideal for students and professionals looking to gain insight into the fundamentals of airworthiness and its framework.