The Len Gore Scholarship was established in 1979 due to the foresight of Len Gore, a member of IFA and the Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists (New Zealand). The aim is to provide opportunities for young people to travel and gain practical experience with other aviation companies, and to foster good international relationship by working with other nationalities. Work programmes are designed to broaden the winning candidates’ knowledge and experience in their chosen discipline of aeronautical engineering.
1995-96 No award made
1996-97 M B Al-Khaja Emirates Airline British Aerospace Aviation Service
British Midland Eng, Rolls Royce
1996-97 P Toth Malev Hungarian Airline UK-CAA
1996-97 G.T King Lucas Aerospace Boeing, USA
1997-98 Amir Hussain Pakistan Intl Airlines CASA & BASI Australia