As the world’s airliner fleet grows, the demands on maintenance services for engines and equipment increases. Many engine shops and component overhaul facilities are currently working at above their maximum capacity, and the trend does not appear to be abating. What is the operational impact of this capacity shortfall? How is the industry to cope? Where is the additional capacity to come from?
This Conference organised by the joint Royal Aeronautical Society / Institute of Mechanical Engineers Combined Propulsion Technical Advisory Committee (CPTAC), is aimed at answering some of these questions by addressing the following topics:
– Long term commercial aircraft fleet growth and the impact on demand for engine and engine component maintenance
– The extent of the current capacity shortfall and its impact on aircraft operations
– The effect of the current situation on relationships between engine OEMs, independent engine maintenance providers, and engine component repair providers
– The ways in which each part of the supply chain is looking to address the situation by operational improvements, capacity increases, new repair techniques, etc
– How the engine MRO industry needs to evolve to keep increasing numbers of aircraft flying in the future
There is a considerable discussion going on between the various actors in the industry on a one-to-one basis. The Conference aims at bringing together actors from each part of the supply chain to help them understand the difficulties being faced by their partners and so allow them to explore strategies and solutions which can be applied across the industry for the benefit of the end customer – the aircraft operators.