The Human Dimension in Tomorrow’s Aviation System
IFA Comment: IFA agrees that there are questions that needs answers “The effect of reduced live flying on maintainer training should also be noted: how will we train and retain maintainer competency when there are a reduced number of assets flying, and how will we ensure that this training is appropriate for maintenance in both hangar and frontline operations settings?”
This white paper represents a significant body of work reflecting the expertise, knowledge and thought leadership from an expert group of human factors professionals working across aviation and allied fields. As the CIEHF, we are proud to present the ideas, thinking and challenges about how the aviation industry might evolve over the next 30 years in line with advances in machine learning and how human pilots will adapt.
A wide range of issues are explored in this document from pilotless aircraft, next generation technology for virtual cockpits and the human dimension in future aviation systems. Many of the issues explored cut across themes being examined in other sectors such as those relating to autonomous vehicles, AI and its contribution to digital health, and decision-making in complex systems.