BSc Hons. Mechanical and Production Engineering Salford, International Executive Programme Columbia University USA.
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Fellow and Past President of the Institution of Engineering Technology, Honorary Life Member American Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Rolls Royce plc Apprentice, Director of Manufacturing, Director Industrial and Marine, Director of Civil Engines and Main Board Director.
Director International Aero Engines AG.
Director Lucas Industries and MD Lucas Aerospace.
Chief Executive British Midland Aviation Services Ltd.
Past Non-Executive Directorships, British Midland Airlines Ltd, British Regional Airlines Ltd, ASW plc, Wagon plc, Mott Macdonald Ltd, Aero Inventory plc.
Past Non-Executive Chairmanships, Cooper Rolls Inc, Mettis Ltd, Symmetry Medical Inc, Aero Inventory plc, SRTechnics AG, Oxford Aviation Academy Ltd.
Currently Chairman Potenza Enterprises Ltd, Westfield Technology Group Ltd, which in addition to Sports Cars is developing autonomous people movers (Pods) the first ones have been trialed successfully with the general public at Greenwich, the Lake District National Park, Korea and have development contracts for supply to UK and international airports.
Past President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
Currently President of the International Federation of Airworthiness
Advisor 3i and Star Capital Partners.
Awarded the Mensforth Gold Medal for the contribution to British Manufacturing Productivity. I Prod E.
James Clayton Memorial Award for the contribution to the Design, Development and Manufacture of Aero Gas Turbines. IMech E