Mental health in aviation safety (MESAFE) conference
23rd April, 2024 - 24th April, 2024
This event has passed.
Mental health in aviation safety (MESAFE) conference
The conference will present the outcome of the research project MESAFE. In particular:
evidence-based recommendations for updating the mental health requirements in Part-MED and Part-ATCO.MED in line with the medical developments;
evidence-based recommendations for mental health assessment methods suitable for aeromedical fitness assessments;
a state-of-the-art synopsis that is perceived by the organisation as relevant to the conduct of the current study, i.e. recent (2015 to date) scientific literature, analytical methods;
guidance material on the updates to the fitness assessment of applicants for aeromedical examiners and medical assessors;
guidance material on mental health assessment and the updates to the fitness assessment of applicants for peer support groups and the trained peers involved in the peer support programs; and
material to support the management of the proposed changes, e.g. presentations of the results obtained under this contract and training material suitable for professional audiences.