We want you to access the knowledge you need to help rebuild and restore the engine industry, so our agenda has been created from critical research we have conducted with past speakers, attendees, and other industry experts.
We are looking forward to seeing you in-person and we know many of our customers can’t wait to get back to face-to-face events. Rest assured your safety is our highest priority and we are diligently working with the venue and suppliers to ensure a safe environment.
We understand that not all will be able to attend, therefore Aero-Engines Americas 2021 will be a Hybrid Event, combining the in-person and virtual event platforms to provide flexibility for attendance.
If you want to join us in Dallas and enjoy the physical format we love, you can. If you can’t attend in-person but want to attend virtually, you can. If you register for a virtual place but want to switch to in-person attendance closer to the event, you can!